rather ECO TERRORISM...which he wrote about in his other classic THE MONKEY WRENCH GANG...millions of dams fucking up his rivers...fucking up his vibe...wanted to blow them up sky high sky high...woke up to see the sun sky high...wake up grab some Abbey grab a girl and head into the wild...no girl...hug a tree...fuck a tree...willy bee
...ever get lost in the woods...fuck that, ever made love in a forest...up against the tree...on a bed of soft moss...poison ivy perhaps!...fuck i wonder how many people reading this have even stepped in a forest lately...not since the Legend of Zelda perhaps...EDWARD ABBEY would piss on your sneaker collection with all this virtual reality jerk off fests...currently sitting outside...sunny...with chickens rabbit cat...fall wind with a tich of ice...coffee pot hot...Abbey had a hard on for the desert though..he wrote alot about that in his classic book DESERT SOLITAIRE...he was also a supporter of ECO TOURISM
rather ECO TERRORISM...which he wrote about in his other classic THE MONKEY WRENCH GANG...millions of dams fucking up his rivers...fucking up his vibe...wanted to blow them up sky high sky high...woke up to see the sun sky high...wake up grab some Abbey grab a girl and head into the wild...no girl...hug a tree...fuck a tree...willy bee
rather ECO TERRORISM...which he wrote about in his other classic THE MONKEY WRENCH GANG...millions of dams fucking up his rivers...fucking up his vibe...wanted to blow them up sky high sky high...woke up to see the sun sky high...wake up grab some Abbey grab a girl and head into the wild...no girl...hug a tree...fuck a tree...willy bee