do you write with your fists...with your gut...your heart...your cock...your brains...i've been thinking about what body part i write from these days...or i thought of that while reading this Jim Harrison book "A Good Day to Die"...
Jimmy Harrison writes with his cock and his fists...or in this book at any rate...boozing, drugging war vets...who like to fish hunt and fuck...hung over and don't remember who they fucked last night...looking for love...lost their love...want to blow up some that male bachelor type of cred...bit of that rough around the edges frontier montana spirit vibe...but he's got some some sensitivities that all the macho stuff is covering up some fear or some awareness into book...really over dramatic at the end when it didn't have to be...anyway...hard to write with your cock for real though...well you'd have to get it hard and then dip it into some ink, get on all fours and focus for a bit...try it that way...give it a try and send me the