I can't speak for everyone but the internet is damn near the best shit ever as far as I'm concerned. I can live without T.V, newspapers, radio, and movie theatres. Just don't take away my internet access. I remember when we were surfing at 14.4kbs and loving it. Back when you could tell you hit the beloved 28.8 by the sound it made when connecting through the phone line. Now cellphones can do 300x that speed fairly regularly. How far (and fast!) we've come.

And since we've come so far from the days of stockpiling AOL discs for taste of free internet we've gone ahead and added a new section called Around the Web. You can check it out for daily updates on interesting tidbits we come across while surfing. I mean someone has to filter out all the bullshit out there, and who better than us telepaths? So instead of sitting around in your draws drinking coffee and aimlessly clicking on links that lead you to pages with more links to click on just start your day off with us and we'll direct you toward the good shit as soon as it becomes available. 

We start off with a bang. Or rather two bangs! Take a click to Sao Paulo Brasil and find out what a real life game of GTA looks like! Around the Web is active!