Drama En Sabah
Writer, director, producer and gentleman caller the Admiral of the Squirt Safari, Drama En Sabah aka Hillbilly Mason Jars is best known for being replaced by U-God as a founding member of Old School Rap Group UTFO, and for possibly being...the most interesting man in the world. 

william brown
SEX MONEY DEATH  In Winlaw, william brown incited his followers to unrestrained sexual license and encouraged them to engage in prostitution and drug smuggling to feed his endless appetite for Winlaw, disciples toiled day and night to build his fanciful city "the Hermitage", while he lived in luxury and flaunted his wealth with an ever growing fleet of Rolls Royces...
...when the legitimacy of the Hermitage was challenged, members of his cult launched the first campaign of bio terrorism in Canadian history...meanwhile, in a secret laboratory at the Hermitage, a deranged nurse plotted a far worse fate for the rest of is the frightening story from beginning to end, told in real time dispatches from reporters on the